
Monday, January 14, 2013

Why Running Is Good For Me

If someone had told me I would have a blog and talk about running (other than making fun of it to mask my insecurity about it), I would have laughed in their face and then thrown up just in case it was true.

But, today, it was 30 degrees and I took 35 minutes out of my day to go for a run.  Crazy, I know.

I didn't really want to.  I've been making excuses for the last week (I only got one run in during the last week).  It's icy, it's raining, it's too hard in the snow.  But 1 minute in I was glad I had gone. 

I need it for 3 reasons. 

One, I prayed for that one girl tonight who needs rescued from bondage - prayed that she would be set free; that she would have hope.  I love that prayer and that purpose behind running.

Two, it is an incredible stress reliever.  When I did occupational therapy, I did sensory integration therapy and one of the things we did with kiddos who had trouble coping with normal environmental occurrences was proprioceptive input - basically weight bearing activities that would help to calm them and regulate information in their environment that you and I can handle easily.  Turns out I, Miss High Stress, really appreciate proprioceptive input.  Running does that for me.  It also feels like a victory every time I finish a run without stopping and that feels awesome.

And, three, it gives me the chance to actually worship God.  It gives me the opportunity to see the details in our road (deer tracks and other footprints), the clouds in the sky, the falling snow, the movement of the fields.  I love that and when I run I am so thankful for it.

Thank you to all of you who are joining me in running and walking for girls all over the world tonight.  It makes a beautiful difference.