
Wednesday, May 23, 2012

On My Heart

I read somewhere that if your heart is aching during a particular time prior to receiving your referral, you should pay attention and pray even more.

A friend asked me last week how I was feeling about our adoption process.  I told her I felt like I was "playing adoption" because it just didn't feel like it was real or ever going to happen.  I don't know what happened, but just a couple of days later, our little boy started being heavy on my heart.  I'm thinking of him a lot.

I read a story about how a woman was just aching one particular week as they were waiting for their referral.  Months later they found out that was the very week their future child was taken into the orphanage.

I don't know if there is anything specific happening in our child's life right now, but I'm going to pray harder this week.  This could be nothing, but it could be something.  We'll see.

In other news, we're still moving forward.  We have our first home study visit scheduled!!  And Justin's birth certificate finally arrived!  We think that within a couple of weeks we'll have our part completely done and will just need to wait on the home study to be finished, which will be a huge mile marker for us.  So, we're working and praying.

Thank you, friends, for praying with us.
