For almost 2 weeks I've been watching "Mamma Bird" (not pictured) take care of her egg.
Just a couple of weeks ago I started wondering what in the world our cat was so curious about that she had to be staring out my window at promptly 7am every morning. So, one morning I looked out and there was a nest in the gutter right outside my window.
How long at that been there? Was there anything in it?
Just two days later Husband told me that there was a blue egg sitting softly inside the perfectly manicured nest.
Tucked in, under the roof above, the nest fit perfectly in the little space allotted by the gutter. Something without opposable thumbs or digits of any kind, build the nest out of nothing more than twigs. Amazing.
The next night I saw her for the first time - Mamma Bird. I checked on her every morning when I woke up and every night when I went to bed. And every time I checked she was there. If she wasn't there, she was gone no more than a couple of minutes and she didn't go very far. One morning I was able to take the snapshot of the nest without her being around, but I only had that opportunity one time in all the times I checked.
She'd get up to eat and stretch her legs a little and then she'd stand on the roof, look at the nest and hop down and settle in for a little more incubating.
The prepared nest, just under another roof to keep to hidden from predators, the brief moments she stole away only for self sustenance and tolerance of the elements around her no matter what - 30 degrees, 80 degrees, pouring down rain and thunderstorms, sunshine, all revealed a level of self sacrifice that could only be given by the Creator Himself.
I know I'm putting human emotion on all of this. It frustrates Husband when I do that because you definitely can't hunt or support hunting very much when you're on the side of the creature. But, I'm a female and a sensitive one at that, and I watched all the Disney movies just like you did that put human emotions on animals all the time. I found myself remembering things that have happened in my children's lives so far that made me feel like I could relate to her. Nursing for what felt like the millionth time that day, not wanting to give up a night with friends because of needing to be home with a child, but doing it anyway, being willing to take on anything for my children. It made reflect on all those things, and more.
I told Mr. Man when we checked on her together one day, "That's how much I love you. I'd sit through anything to protect you and be there for you no matter what - just like that bird." It's been a beautiful reminder of the self sacrifice a mother has for her child.
I'm so grateful for the instinct God put in that bird - a BIRD - and for the love and nurturing He has instilled in so many women around me. It is a beautiful. I'm grateful that His compassionate, nurturing and protective nature has been placed in moms and that He feels those things toward us, His children, and so much more faithfully.
For all you moms (and to-be moms) out there, thank you for the way you protect and love your children - facing the elements for them. Whether it be through pregnancy and delivery or paperwork, referrals, waiting and travel, it is a beautiful thing. You are a beautiful reflection of Him.