
Wednesday, January 15, 2014

Save 1 With Every Run 2013 Conclusion and What I've Learned From Running

The goal was 100 runs and 100 prayers.  One prayer for every run - for freedom from trafficking and a life of slavery and forced prostitution for a child.

What I thought was going to be a solitary goal turned into a community goal.  The response I received when I announced my goal, and those who wanted to join in, was so beautiful to me.  People wanted to use their time running to pray for those who can't run because they don't have the freedom to.

What I hoped would be 100 prayers turned into 1229 prayers.  1229!!  That is amazing!!

I believe with all my heart that God has honored or will honor those prayers.  That He will set one free for every run and every prayer prayed.

I have been privileged to see our Save 1 runners post the experiences they have had this past year while participating in this campaign.  Some have felt God's presence in new and wonderful ways.  Others have rejoiced in reading news articles of freedom and healing from trafficking.  It has been amazing.

2013 was the first full year I ran.  I have learned so much through the experience of running.  It has come to symbolize the most joyous and frustrating times and processes in my life. 

Feeling the daunting, "there is no way I'm going to get through this" feeling of climbing a hill when I just would rather lay down on the road and take a nap.  The excitement of wondering what is over the next hill in new and unfamiliar, yet beautiful territory.  The misery of feeling like I'm behind and that everyone else is running faster or further than me.  The contentment of not caring anymore, but just enjoying being outside and the goals God has set for me; not worrying about other goals that others may or may not set for me.  And the feeling of absolute victory for accomplishing a new goal - running just a bit further or faster than before - or simply being content with the run no matter what my "stats" were.

I have found my play list to be more than ironic at times.  Like the times I've been climbing a hill and the lyrics of a song came up that say, "Just ask the hill to move and it will move."  I'm here to tell you I have faith smaller than a mustard seed because that hill did not move.  It remains where it is no matter how many times I hear that song while climbing up it and no matter how many times I declare it to move.  Other ironic lyrics when trying to run include, "I just want to slow down" (thank you Third Day) or "stop running" (Kerry Roberts). 

This past year has been such a gift to me.  The time spent in praise of God, as I listen to music has been new for me.  I am so grateful for that.  I believe that through this experience, He has given me an opportunity to learn more about life and how it works and what He is able to do through me in it, if I keep pressing on.

I think this is what it means when He says that He will give beyond our sacrifice.  Running isn't a lot of a sacrifice, really, but there were LOTS of days (almost every one), that I didn't want to go out for one reason or another.  But, I went because I wanted to pray for one more girl.  I believe He heard those prayers and not only answered them, but spent that time running alongside me, teaching me and filling me in unexpected ways.  That is the blessing I didn't anticipate.

So, I'm thankful.  Thank you to all of you who joined me in this campaign this year.  I don't have a set goal in 2014 except to keep running.  I hope Save 1 With Every Run continues and I hope you'll join me.  Here's where you can find more info if you're interested.

Here's to freedom in 2014 - and so many thanks for all those wonderful 1229 prayers that were prayed in 2013.   

**Very special thanks to the talented Christie Lee for her beautiful work designing our logo.  Thank you, Christie!!