
Tuesday, June 12, 2012

It Happened Again Today.....And IBESR Update

It happened again.

Something beyond coincidence.

I shared with you the story of our police clearances and psychiatric evaluation yesterday.  Here are a couple things about yesterday that I didn't mention.

We started sending in our clearances and such the end of April.  A couple of them hadn't reached us yet and I couldn't understand why.  The day before our home study, I called to find out what was happening and it turned out our clearances were lost between approval and notarization.  The man on the other end of the phone promised me he would send them out by last Friday or yesterday.

In the meantime I had applied for my passport and that hadn't come yet.  Last week I received a letter saying my name was incorrect and I needed to have my license changed to reflect my name.  What had taken weeks for me to accomplish when I needed to change my address on my license took less than an hour for the name change because it turns out you can go to the DMV and have it done while you wait!  Husband sent it in that evening.  I figured it would have gotten there sometime in the course of the next week.

Yesterday everything that was left arrived.  And our mail came early.

Which is what prompted me to call our agency and find out if anything had changed in Haiti, which is when I started learning that MANY things were changing in Haiti.

Last night I started going through everything to make sure it was ready when the time came.  I remembered that the notary wasn't quite right on my physical exam form.  My physician personally had the form notarized in his free time with a lawyer's office (I thought) in the same plaza as his office.  I called my doctor's office today to find out for sure though.  They wouldn't let me leave a message for my doctor and said they couldn't help me.  So, I drove down there.  Lawyer's office was closed.

I marched all three kids into the next office building to find out where Edgar Snyder went!  "Oh, they moved about a month ago.  Why?"  I explained the situation.  Well, that particular person told me she had just received an email from a friend of hers that morning who had adopted and said how wonderful adoption.  Then she told me she'd pray for me.  I'll take it!  She told me where they had moved.  I called.  "Nope.  Never heard of the guy."

I googled the notary's name, looked in the phone book, looked in the directory of notaries.  Couldn't find the guy anywhere.  Out of frustration, I finally called the doctor's office again and got a different person.  10 minutes later, they were able to tell me that the notary was at a bank across town.  Across town!!  So, I called the bank to see if he was in before I drug the kids there.  Here is what the woman said to me.....

"Well, its a good thing you called today because he is here for a half day tomorrow and then he's retiring."

WHAT??????  I caught the guy with less than a day's work left.  Can you believe that?

Act of God?  That's what I'm calling it!

I needed that today.

So, update.....

The Senate did ratify yesterday.  I'm not sure what that means yet.  We haven't heard anything from our agency today.  From what it sounds like there is a window of about 3 months.  For us, about 7 months of work has to happen in that three month window, so I'm continuing to ask for your prayers in this - that His will would be done and we would walk in it.  Thank you so much for being a part of this journey with us.
