I'm ashamed to say it, but I think the most radical change in my life that is needed at this point is simply loving people.
I'm not good at that.
People frustrate me. When they look straight through me instead of saying hello, when I'm treated like I'm invisible at the grocery store, when people are driving so. very. slow. Frustrating.
My patience just diminishes.
I've been reading Ann Voskamp's book, One Thousand Gifts. It has been perspective changing to say the least. In light of the ideas and thoughts she proposes, I've tried something different in the last couple of days.
Instead of thinking "What Would Jesus Do?", which is only more frustrating to me since I'll NEVER be like that, I'm thinking, "What if that was Jesus?"
What if that dude, traveling 35 mph in a 55 were Jesus. Would I be tailgating him? If the person at the grocery store nearly ran into me with their cart, while making eye contact with me, would I play chicken and refuse to move if it was Jesus?
I think its valid because we're all image bearers of Christ. And It says, "Whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers and sisters of mine you did for Me." (Matthew 25:40).
Perspective change.
I think its going to be good for me. Not so good for my chicken game.