7 months. It really isn't that long, but tonight it feels like an eternity.
My mind is filled with question marks tonight.
There seem to be many people around us in a holding pattern - not really knowing what God is doing, what His plan is or even what is next. There is a glimmer of what the future might hold but no time frame whatsoever.
We're with them.
Yesterday was 7 months that we've been in IBESR. Families that went in to that step before us are out. Families that went in the same day as us are out. Families that went in after us are out. But, we're still there. And we have no idea how long we are going to be there.
I'm incredibly discouraged tonight and would very much appreciate your prayers.
Our little guy has an important meeting this week. I have to be vague there, but please be praying for him (and us) this week.
Thank you, friends.