
Sunday, September 30, 2012

Faith On a Different Plane

I love the new song by Plumb, "Need You Now".

I heard, or thought, or something of the reflecting and remembering the times when God has been there for me.  Landmarks in my faith, so to speak.

The last year has brought on a different level of faith for me - one that I hadn't experienced before and one that I am so grateful for.  My faith feels real.  I have longed for that for a long time.

This summer was very emotional for our family.  Thankfully, at the moment, we seem to be in a period of rest.  And I was thinking as I listened to Plumb's song, of how now would be a good time to remember God's goodness in my life.

Take a listen here.

Monday, September 17, 2012

Giving Him Glory

Our prayers, YOUR prayers were answered!

A couple of weeks ago I told you I didn't think our dossier would make it into IBESR (Haiti's child welfare agency) before the September 15 deadline.

We've been asking God to let it happen.  Despite the fact that there is no reason whatsoever that He should show any favor toward us.  Despite the fact that it seemed impossible.  Despite my very own fear that He wouldn't answer our prayers and I wouldn't know how to process it, I asked.  Our children asked.  And we reached out to you and asked you to ask Him on our behalf.

2 weeks ago our dossier left our agency in Colorado.  They told us it would take a week or two to get to Haiti.  4 days later, over Labor Day weekend, our dossier made it to our orphanage in Haiti.  Then it had to go through first legalization - a process that takes two to four weeks.  Done in one week.  From the time our dossier made it to Haiti until the time it got into IBESR, only 10 days elapsed.  Friends, that is a miracle!

On September 14, one singular day before the scheduled close, our dossier made it into IBESR.

There is so much that is hard about adoption, no matter which adoption path you choose.  There's grief and waiting and heartache.  It just goes with the territory.  And when something joyful happens - something that encourages your heart to know that HE sees and works in our lives, we can't do anything but rejoice.

I said if we made it in to IBESR before the cut off that I would give God the glory because there would truly be no other explanation.  And that is what I'm here to do tonight.

Thank You, God, for getting us through to this next step.  And thank you, friends, for standing beside us.  We know you are supporting us and we can't wait to share with Little Guy just how you stood beside us through this process - how you advocated for him to the only One who really has any control over this process at all.

To Him be the glory tonight.

Wednesday, September 5, 2012


Last week I shared with you that I didn't think we were going to make the September 15 deadline when Haiti again stops taking dossiers.

Now it looks like that may not be exactly true.

Our dossier is there already.  It was shipped on Friday - and it got to our orphanage yesterday.    Man, this process makes me cry a lot!  Today, the tears are happy and hopeful.  That's a good thing!

Now our dossier goes through first legalization in Haiti, which should take a week or two.  Once it comes out and Little Guy's dossier is finished they become one and go into IBESR.  That's where we need to get before September 15.

It still seems next to impossible, but we're praying anyway.  We have no idea how much of Little Guy's dossier has been finished or when it will be done.  Please pray with us!!

Why is this a prayer request for us?

  • The sooner our file gets into IBESR, the sooner Little Guy gets to come home.
  • It will save us $200, which would be awesome!
  • We will still be able to work with our agency and orphanage, no matter what the new laws and changes are.
  • We won't have to wait to see if IBESR opens back up on October 1.  Last time they closed on April 24 and were reset to open on June 1, which became August 14.
  • It would just be a huge relief for us.

Thank you for being with us through this process, friends!